Mid Calder 2022 Town Centre Fund

Mid Calder 2022 Town Centre Fund

This year Mid Calder has been awarded £15,000 from the Scot Gov Town Centre Fund. As a resident of Mid Calder, how would like to see this money spent? Please share your ideas and like/comment on others. Open for ideas 9-27th March 2022. For more info visit: https://bit.ly/MCCC2022


Communal/ Allotment's/ St Mungo’s Well

road safety

Pedestrian crossing in Mid Calder

Mid Calder Rocks Cairn

Primary school drop off

A playpark (P2/1, P3/4 and P5)

Create a village Heritage Trail

Playpark area near Sommers Park and Westgate

notice boards and benches

summers park

A vegetable patch and community garden (P3 and P4/5)

More trees (P3)

More flowers and planting beds (P1 and P5)

Retrofit rain gardens on existing road calming measures

More bins (P3, P3/4 and P7)

Boris Bikes (P6)

A charity shop (P3)

A Multi Use Games Area (P3, P3/4, P4/5, P6 and P7)

Public Toilets (P4/5 and P7)

Purchase and Save an iconic red old telephone box

Food stands / pop-up cafe close to local walks (P3)

A chalk wall (P5)

slow traffic at village entrance points

Community garden

Portable stage and spot lights

hanging baskets

Hanging Baskets

Youth club / social activities

Calderwood path

A climbing wall (P3 and P3/4)

Online Community Forum for Residents with Multiple Admins


road calming traffic measures

Goal posts

Combfoot footpath

natural playpark

better access to the woods from mid calder play park

community growers garden

Catch the Rain - rainwater butts for residents

Keeping Nature Alive

braeside woods

A community vegetable garden

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